Crown of Compassion Ministries
2 min readJan 26, 2017


“The point of our walk with God is not arriving. The point is walking . . . being in relationship with God and experiencing life together.”- Judah Smith

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best of the time.”- Ephesians 5:15

In Chapter 9 (“Inside Job”) of How’s Your Soul?, Judah Smith states that sometimes he paces his journey with Jesus with confident ease. Yet, without notice, the author admits, changes in circumstances or a dreadful scenario send him fleeing for his life.

Therefore, our souls need consistency- a steady walk with a regular pace. However, human nature makes the human soul inconsistent and fickle. In addition, one of the biggest life issues our souls must deal with centers not on the presence of negative circumstances, but the way those circumstances mess with our walk.

Although the idea of walking might sound boring, in the long run its highly effective. Pastor Smith explains:

“Walking implies that our souls are experiencing steady, controlled progress. It means that we are moving forward. It means that rather than running for cover every time a threat appears, we are stable, we make good choices, and we have a positive outlook on the future. Steadily and surely, we are advancing.

As a result, you must consider your lifestyle- how you live on an everyday basis. Pastor Smith encourages you to examine the constancy, continuity, and stability of your soul’s walk.

Again, the word walk implies progress. The problem with progress, however, centers on the reality that progress often is immeasurable and invisible. In contrast, we want to measure, quantify, and predict tangible progress.

In conclusion, Judah stresses consistency over growth in our soul’s walk with God. He states:

“God sees the whole journey from start to finish, and he’s more focused on the pace and steadiness of our walk with him than on reaching some external milestone.”

Today’s question: Describe the point of your walk with God. Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The goal of our walk with God”



Crown of Compassion Ministries

Crown of Compassion began as a ministry to downsized workers and has evolved into a general ministry for those hungry for thoughtful words.